Working Bee
Foundation- Year 3
A huge shout out to the hardworking F-3 students that got their hands dirty (with gardening gloves on of course!) on Wednesday to tidy up the school.
We had a team working on tidying the tanbark in the playground area, a group getting as much sand back into the sandpit as possible, a team using blowers to clean up the decking spaces and basketball court and finally a group of very dedicated students weeding the front garden beds!
It was fantastic seeing the collaboration and constructive conversations taking place. All children took their role seriously and together we have been able to start the tidy up of our play spaces. As the weather gets nicer, our gardens will begin to flourish with beautiful flowers so removing the weeds now was vital!
Thank you to our students for your commitment to improving our school and taking pride in our play spaces! Amazing effort from all involved