Our school’s vision is to empower our students to use digital technologies safely and appropriately, to help them reach their personal best, and to equip them to contribute positively to society as happy, healthy young adults.
The DigiTech program at WPS has strong links to our School Values.
We encourage our students to:
Be Your Best in the way they conduct themselves in the physical and digital environments, and in the amount of effort they commit to putting into their learning each session;
to Be Respectful in the way they treat others and towards the technology equipment they use;
to Be Resilient when learning new skills or programs and in trying to solve problems;
and to keep themselves and others Safe at school and home by being eSmart Kids and using the eSafe strategies we learn about in DigiTech.
Click the image to visit the eSafetykids website
We use Seesaw in DigiTech, which is a learning platform for student engagement. Students upload their work to their journal, parents can view their work in real time and both teacher and parent can leave feedback. Over time, it becomes a portfolio of your child's learning! Click on the image below to find out more!
The WPS DigiTech program gives students to opportunities explore digital art, text publishing, coding and multimedia-making through a wide range of iPad apps, Windows programs and websites. Click on the image below to view the WPS Digital Backpack.